Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Two Meals

I really have more than two meals to blog, but I've been out of town and just all over the place and you know how that goes.  So this first meal was from last Thursday.  I would definitely call this the Hughes Signature Meal.  Sweet Potato Black Bean Burritos from Moosewood Restaurant Low-Fat Favorites.  We had this first with Robert and Betsy down at the lake and I immediately went out and bought the cookbook.  The recipes in this cookbook are not low-fat as in using low-fat products (mayo, salad dressing, etc).  No, these recipes are just naturally low-fat and really flavorful.

Daniel calls this a "Power Meal."  Ever since he had it the Wednesday before he ran his first marathon, (The Eugene Oregon Marathon and he ran it really fast!) he is convinced that this recipe will give you any and all the strength you need for whatever you are going to do tomorrow or the next day or the next day.  It's very yummy and very healthy!

Ok, I spent the weekend in Savannah for my younger sister Mary Glenn's bachelorette party.  We all stayed at my older sister Sebrell's house on the Moon River and Friday night we had the most delicious dinner that my brother-in-law cooked.  He's fantastic and I did take pictures, but not with my camera.  I'll post when I get them.  It was such a great weekend--lots of good food, lazy day on the beach, great company!

Now for the next meal.  This was tonight's.  Eggplant Steak Lasagna Stacks  This came from my Rachael Ray Yum-O Family Cookbook.  I bought this cookbook because last year in my classroom we would have "Cooking School" on Fridays and we used a lot of the recipes from here.  They are very kid-friendly (at least to make...I probably wouldn't have eaten eggplant for anything when I was a child).

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