Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sukiyaki Stir-fry

We actually ate dinner by 6:15 tonight!  Daniel got home at 6:00 and I had supper ready.  That doesn't happen too often!  Right now I'm listening to Daniel sing to Sophie in the bathtub.  So sweet!  Bath time is her favorite time of day.      

We got bok choy in our vegetable share bag last week, so I'm finally using it (and the spring onions).  We love this meal and have it every so often.  It tasted extra yummy thanks to the organic veggies I think.   Sophie had a little brown rice, banana, green beans, peas and yogurt for supper.  Her new loves for any meal are cheesy scrambled eggs, cherries, strawberries, frozen peas, bagels, bananas and cheese toast.  

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