Friday, May 27, 2011

Bachelorette weekend, Salad and Friends

I said I would blog about the meals in Savannah, so here they are.  Well, this is just one meal--the meal that my brother-in-law Damon created for us.  It was A-MA-ZING!  He's so talented!  The "tablescape" to use a Sandra Lee (not a fan) term was all Sebrell, my sister.  She's also crazy talented, which I guess is why she's so successful at her event planning business.  They live on the Moon River on the Isle of Hope in Savannah and have the perfect yard for entertaining by the marsh.

The meal began with fried green tomatoes on a bed of mixed greens with a remoulade.
Next was the main course: filet mignon, shrimp and grits with green beans (I think the beans were cooked in a brown butter).  Melt-in-your-mouth-good.  That's all I can say.  Well, I guess I can say, GOOD GRAVY!

Our dessert was a cupcake by Gigi's Cupcakes in Savannah while we sat in the hot tub after dinner.  Our flavors were chocolate, margarita, wedding cake and strawberry.  I had the wedding cake, which was really a white chocolate and it was divine!

So that's Savannah.  Now for salad.  This was our dinner tonight.  I wasn't really thinking when I planned this I guess because I only planned a salad.  So I cut up some strawberries to go along with it and I added some veggies from our farm bag and it was very good and filling.
The salad is from Down by the Water, which is the Junior League of Columbia's cookbook.  I make this salad all of the time.  The dressing is so yummy.  Tonight I only made 1/4 of the dressing and I did add a few other things to the salad.  The recipe is at the bottom.

In closing (and I'm doing an "in closing" because my mom said she feels like I end my blogs on a cliff) I wanted to show a sweet picture of Sophie.  I keep trying to get a picture of her standing alone, which she has done, but I can never get to the camera before she plops back down again.  I almost had it here, but she was on her way down by the time I got it.  Her expression is so funny.
I went running tonight with my friend Kelly.  We were talking about perspective and how important it is to get a reality check on our own perspective sometimes.  Whether it's realizing how very blessed you are (or as Daniel and I are...just look at this sweetness trying to stand alone) or being able to tell your story and have it not hurt anymore; perspective is huge.  God's perspective is everything.  We can't see it all of the time of course, but if only we could.  One day we will.   I love having friends to talk to and to help me think about things in a new perspective.  I also love my sweet husband and my sweet baby more than anything on this earth!

Sweet and Sour Dressing
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup canola oil
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce or to taste
salt and pepper to taste

1 package ramen noodles (discard spice packet)
1 cup chopped pecans
1/4 cup butter (I only use a couple of tablespoons)
1 bunch broccoli, coarsely chopped
1 head romaine lettuce, torn into bite size pieces
4 green onions, chopped

1 comment:

  1. You are the sweetest friend. Thanks for a good run, great food ideas and some good thoughts on perspective.
